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Remember Si-Ja Sonic Workaholic- Si-Ja

Remember Si-Ja Sonic Workaholic (Fru ISDS 339742 x Welshriverdee Rayder DK15657/2016)




* approved herdigclass 1 with 80/100 and class 2 with 66/100 . 19.12.20

* Nr 11 in both qualify and the final at the Norwegianchampionchips 2021.

* Nr 3 in qualify at the Norwegianchampionchips 2022

* Silvermedal Norwegianchampionchips 2022

* Team Gold in Nordic Championschips 2022 and nr 19. indv. 

47cm ( new messure at hard surface)  & 14kg

ED 0/0
OCD Free
Spondylose Free
Eyes clear

MDR1 +/+
Cystinuria Type II NORMAL


Colour: 1 copy Kb Kbr-K Lokus( Dominant black), 1 copy B-Lokus ( Chocolate typ 2),1 copy E -Lokus ( Mask) , 1Copy A-Lokus ( Tan), 2 copy Raly ( Saddel Tan) 

No Merle  

Si-Ja is really fantastic in every way. She`s like a Lynx, she`s agile, resilent,fast, and she has tremendous body control. Si-Ja loves to work, and have a special willingness to please me, and always ready to work. She has no fear, and no problem with pressure or atmosphere in competitions or training, she is super stable mentally.

Concentration and focus have been there since she was a puppy, she only sees me. Si-Ja works just as well with toy, treats, or only sosialreward with me.  However she is soft, but very driver-oriented, so for me it`s only exclusively positive, she is simlpe so easy to work with, and have no problem with repetitions, she runs just as fast, and even if she makes mistakes, she listen and tries again. She learns very fast, and has always been very on to me, and easy to correct. She has so far not been disturbed, neither on training nor competitions, the focus and contact is on me regardless on what is happening around. 

At home she has a nice on-off, she loves to cuddle and be near me, she is very relaxed, but always ready to work. We often work with small details at home, and she are always first to come. She has never shown any fear or aggresion, only skeptical the first time she met a small child, it passed quikley and no she loves them. She often lies down in the couch when my boyfriend play Battlefiled, which is a lot og fierworks and shoots, so no fear either there.

On sheep she is calm and responsive, she quickly gains the trust of the sheeps. She is very easy to work with and has a great style, with not to much eye. She has nice outruns, but even better on drifting. 

She has never had any problems of herding cars, skii, or other objects, or never had problems beeing home alone. 

She even loves when my daugther train tricks or something, Si-Ja is just as enthusiastic with her as she is with me. Look at videos on video page.

Myrullen`s Min Karma

Myrullens Min Karma  (Myrullens Junior Flis 26313/05  x Despina Gorr FIER16522/11)

F: 23.11.13 Died:  22.06.22


49 cm and 15,5 kg


AD: 0

OCD: Not checked

Spondylose: Free

Eyes: Free

FCI3, approved herdingtest, represented Norway in 2018 and 2019 under Nordic, as well as World Championships in 2019. 2 teamsilver, and 1 teamgold. Karma has been nr 3 on Norwegians championchips in 2018 and nr 4 in 2019. Karma also won the international  match between Norway and Sweden in 2017 for recruits. 

Karma came into my life in 2014, and has been a dog with alot of energy, she has not been the easiest one, she has her own opinion and has often used her speed in training. But she are just as she was when she was a small puppy, she turned out just the same way, and she was exactly the kind of dog i wanted then, one wild and crazy and with great self-confidence. Karma had to learn to relax, and in some time i had to lear her to sleep in a cage, which she loves now.  Karma is charming everyone with her special and funny way to be, she ar just like a child, mommy look at me, look at me. 

Karma has alwasy been my happiness, always happy and playful, with wagging tail.  

Karma has qualify to 2 Nordic championschip and 1 World championschips, and enden whit 2 teamsilver and 1 teamgold. it has been an honor and few have the opportunity to represent Norway with the Norwegian flag on my chest. It has been an adventure, and i wish all my friend to experience, completely magical and the entrance to a championship.

Unfortunally Karma get very bad injury , she crashed into a rock ditch, an completely broke her shoulder, 80 % was Crushed. She underwent surgery in 2019, but she will unfortunally never get well again. We enjoy everydaylife with her and enjoy every second with her.  Karma is running the show herself now, and she gets to do most of the things she loves, only not the worst obedience exercises. I pray to have her with us for many years more.     

Karma also loves when my daugther is training, they have 3 times Junior Norwegian champion. Look at Ronja`s site

It`s a tragedy but i had to say goodby to my sweet Karma this summer, and it has been hard to swollow that we didnt manage to fix her, despite all time and money i spend on her. Her front couldn`t hold it together anymore, and she was in a lot of pain, she got painkillers every day, she also became depressed. Her front slip out after just short walking, i had to edmit to myself that i was selfish and that Karma`s time had come. Me and my daugther took one last walk in the forrest together, and we held her in ours arms until she was gone. It really took me to see how my daugther  supported and talked to Karma the last couple of minutes, its never easy to let go, but this was the worst i ever done.  I still miss my sweetie every day, and i havent been able to put the box away until now, nor even talk about it. She went away with a big piece of my heart and soul, and i will never be healed. She was my everything, and i have fougth so hard for her. In memory Karma, i will continue to figth the dailylife and pretend that im healed. RIP my sweetheart. My tears will never stop. 

                                                                Riverwild Airborn Toxic - Toxi 

Riverwild Airborn Toxic- Toxi  ( Remember Si-Ja Sonic Workaholic PKRI89605 x Ultra High Voltage Sonic Workaholic PKRI)

Toxi: Red Merle

F: 27/4-2021


46.5  cm og 13 kg ( 20 mnd) 

* Obedience class 1 ( begginners class) 279,5  point winner and promoted to class 2 

* Junior NorwegianChampion class 1 /2 275 point  

* Unofficial Club champion in class 2 winner above all classes wit 297 points. 

HD: A 


OCD: Free by x-ray, not official reading in Norway

Spondylose: Free














Cystinuria Type II NORMAL

Toxi carries: 2 copy of Chocolate, 1 copy of dominat Black, 1 copy Mask, 1 copy Tan, 2 copy Saddle tan,1 copy Merle. 

Toxi is a very sweet little girl we kept after our first litter in the kennel. She is a funny little naughty girl, who does so much weird and makes gray hair on me, but as i still love above all. Toxi loves everything and all around her, she is so stabil, and secure in every situation we put her in, even if she has grown up under corona. She is on puppylisence at home with the adult dogs, and Toxi loves it and take advantage of it. She is amazing to train, both obedience and herding. It is my daugther who is going to train and compete with her, but my daugther unfortunally very often struggel a lot with her body, so when she`s ill i will train Toxi. Toxi loves to cuddle and loves both 2 and 4 legs. More will come about Toxi as she grow. Toxi has had an issue with cars, but we have worked thru it, and she dont care anymore about them. Toxi has also shown very nice skills in obedience, and its very impressive that its my 15 years old daugther who train and compete with her. They are now ready to compete official in class 2 here in Norway in the end of january.  Toxi is still very sweet to all, both people and dogs, and loves to do all kind of activiti, she did the ag tunnel in des and without any fear she run the tunnel, she has also shown amazing jumping skills. And would fit perfect in agility too. And her body develope as far as my vetrinary says, she is even better than her mother in building , if its possible. This year she will do the herdingtest and achive more in obedience with my daugther Ronja.       

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